The story of Rome
When I worked in a salon 14 years ago, I had a premonition that something bad would happen to a neighbor.
Unfortunately, that actually came true after a very short period of time: 3 people close to me died suddenly and 2 became seriously ill.
I was traveling in Rome and during this beautiful trip this all came true, exactly as I had seen it.
I then visited all the churches in Rome and at the last church I saw the image from my vision: an old man in a monk's robe with a beard who was staring at me all the time as if something bad was going to happen.
When I looked back, this one had suddenly disappeared, and I was not the only one to see it.
The next day the “bomb” exploded, in one week 2 close acquaintances died and 3 others suddenly became very ill.
From the beginning I had a strong feeling that what I saw was going to happen, and it did indeed come true exactly as I had seen it..