November 1st, 2024,
With a personal tarot reading, reading or coaching session, and a review,
receive a free smudge sage 🌿
Winter is approaching, bringing more time spent indoors, making the living room the heart of warmth and coziness in the home.
Beyond physical warmth and ambiance, it’s essential to prepare your home energetically for the winter months.
Cleansing with sage allows you to release negative energy, creating a foundation of fresh, positive energy throughout your space.
Sage, particularly white sage, is celebrated for its purifying and healing properties. For centuries, it has been used across cultures to dispel negative energies and fill spaces with calmness and clarity.
Whether you're embracing a fresh start or simply preparing for winter, sage can help create balance and harmony in your surroundings.
In our homes, we imperceptibly collect energies, both positive and negative. If you notice that the atmosphere in your home feels heavy, you have trouble concentrating, or you just don't feel quite right, a cleansing ritual with sage can help release that accumulated energy.
By cleansing the home with sage, you can:
Release negative energy and renew your space.
Create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
Support clarity and focus by removing disturbing energies.
We strongly recommend doing this twice a year:
In the fall, before celebrations so you can stay in a fun, cozy and free home in the winter.
And in spring with the big spring cleaning to wipe away the negative energy of winter.
There are several varieties of sage, but for energetic cleansing, white sage is the most commonly used variety. White sage has a mild but earthy scent that soothes and cleanses. When purchasing, make sure to buy sustainable and ethically grown sage to show respect for its origins and the environment.
If white sage is hard to find, there are alternatives such as blue sage or even lavender.
It is important to begin your cleansing ritual with a positive intention. Think about what you want to achieve: a peaceful, harmonious space, or perhaps a sense of balance and renewal.
In addition, it is wise to open windows and doors so that the smoke - and the old energy - has a way out.
Hold the sage by one end and light it, letting the flame burn briefly before gently blowing it out. The sage should smolder, releasing smoke that disperses energy.
Begin at the entrance, moving clockwise through each room, directing the smoke into corners, windows, and walls, focusing on areas where energy may linger.
As you move, repeat your intention quietly or aloud, like: “I cleanse this space and fill it with peace and harmony.” This reinforces the energy you wish to invite into your space.
When you are finished, safely extinguish the sage. You can do this by extinguishing the tip in sand, earth, or a fireproof bowl. Also make sure the room is well ventilated to expel the smoke and energy.
Finally, you can speak positive affirmations to anchor the intention of your space.
If you are not a fan of the smoke or want a different atmosphere, there are alternatives:
Palo santo, a sacred wood from South America, has a softer scent and is also purifying.
Other herbs such as cedar, rosemary and lavender can add a calming energy.
For a smoke-free cleanse, you can use essential oils, singing bowls or crystals.
Although sage incense is generally safe, you should make sure pets can leave the room if they want to. Ventilate well after cleaning.
This depends on your personal needs. For some it feels right to do this monthly, others do it after major life events or when the atmosphere in the home feels heavy.
Cleansing your home with sage can be a beautiful way to bring new energy into your space. By working with intention and respect, you create a home that exudes peace, clarity and balance.